Sunday, January 6, 2008

Montebello & Villagio di Montebello

Montebello & Villagio di Montebello

Montebello is an upscale community where the homes are situated in the shadows of the Blue Ridge Mountains, yet right on Greenville's Doorstep.
Enhancing the natural beauty and sweeping vistas of Montebello the homes are inspired by the architecture of Tuscany and embrace a European spirit and charm
Montebello is rich with the natural beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains. This pristine site of ca. 400 acres, located on the pinnacle of Piney Mountain, offers homeowners rare and beautiful sweeping mountain vistas only minutes from one of the Southeast's most desirable and bustling downtown areas. Homeowners are surrounded by free-flowing creeks & waterscapes, natural rolling greenbelts & pathways, and untouched stands of giant hardwoods.

To complete the european spirit there is also a small village the 'Villaggio di Montebello' nestled into the Montebello community. Inspired by Italian art and architecture, this pedestrian-friendly neighborhood invites residents to enjoy the intimacy of a village community.

Come experience the quaint spirit of Montebello and its European village, nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and located only five minutes from downtown Greenville.

if you would like to receive more information about this unique community please give us a call or send an Email

The Pavillon in Greenville, SC

The Pavillion in Greenville

Greenville's Pavilion Recreation Complex is one of the area's premier indoor and outdoor sports and recreation destinations. Located on Greenville's eastside the facility is open to the public year round. The 66,000 square foot indoor complex offers ice and inline skating rinks, table tennis, conference and meeting rooms, and a game area.
The sixteen acre campus features soccer fields, a children's train, tennis courts, and playground.

Take a ride with George the train on Tuesdays and Fridays from
10 am - 3 pm
Satrudays from 10 am - 5pm and
Sundays from 1 pm - 5 pm

Programs including after school care, summer day camps, tennis, table tennis and skating instruction are just a few of the many activities offered at the facility.

Ice skating
Ice hockey
Inline hockey
Indoor soccer
Birthday Parties
George the train

The Pavilion professional staff is committed to providing the highest quality family entertainment, training, and special events for guests of all ages.

400 Scottswood Road,
Taylors, SC 29687
(off E. North St. near Brush Creek Baptist Church)
Call: 322-PLAY

For more information go to: The Pavillon

© Flavia Westerwelle

BMW Zentrum USA

BMW's past, present and future come together in this exhibit and exceptional building. Discover the cars, the speed and the innovation for free in the only BMW museum in the Americas. The Zentrum is part museum, meeting and events center, part cafe, gallery and time machine.
It is located next to the only BMW manufacturing plant in the US and offers exhibits, a virtual tour, and cafe. It is also possible to rent the facility for special events, gatherings or meetings.

BMW Zentrum Opening hours:
Monday - Friday 9:30 - 5:30 PM
The Zentrum is closed on holidays
For more information call 864-989-6000
Getting to the museum:
I-85, exit 60 and follow the signs

Please find more information about location, admission and opening hours at: BMW Zentrum

G Flavia Westerwelle

Greenville County Museum of Art

Mostly hidden by great oaks, the Greenville County Museum of Art boasts an unequaled collection of Southern paintings, an outstanding collection of contemporary American art, four floors of exhibition space, an auditorium and theatre, art school, classrooms and studios in a large, modern building.
Beginning with colonial portraiture from the early 1700s, the collection contains at least one example from every major movement in American art. The museum is noted for its collections of work by Andrew Wyeth and Jasper Johns, as well as a contemporary collection that features such notables as Andy Warhol, Georgia O'Keeffe, and others.
It boasts the finest collection of Andrew Wyeth watercolors including his most recent works plus features the highly acclaimed Southern Collection which presents works from the 18th Century to the present day.
The permanent collection is complemented by over fifteen changing exhibitions each year. Some exhibitions focus on an important artist or period in art history, while others feature the work of the most original contemporary artists.
The museum was designed by Craig Gaulden Davis and constructed in 1974.
The multi-story, trapezoidal structure nestles comfortably between Heritage Green's existing structures, accommodates the dimensions of a difficult building site, and preserves the campus's signature green space. The museum offers art classes, free Thursday evening programs and special events,like a Holiday Party for Children. Visitors will find beautiful gifts, catalogs or fine art books, memorabilia, calendars, posters, greeting cards, toys and much more at the Museum Shop.
This years Holiday Party for Children will take place on December 8th, 2007 from 2-4 PM
The Museum is located at:
County Museum of Art
420 College Street, Greenville SC 29601

Please find more information about location, admission and opening hours at: Greenville County Museum of Art

© Flavia Westerwelle

Sport Resort ( German )

Einzigartiges Sportresort für Profi- und Amateursportler oder gesundheitsbewusste Familien am Hang der Blue Ridge Mountains.

Unter der Leitung eines Weltklassesportlers ensteht zur Zeit ein aussergewöhnliches Resort in der Nähe von Greenville an den Ausläufern der Blue Ridge Mountains.
Einzigartig eingebettet in Natur und Landschaft bietet es Familien mit einem gesunden und sportlich aktiven Lifestyle die perfekte Umgebung.
Die Anlage wird über modernste Fitnessanlagen mit ausgefeilten Trainigsgeräten und professionellen, erfahrenen Trainern, sowie mehr als 300 acres / 121 Hektar herrliche Berglandschaft verfügen. Ein aussergewöhnlich mildes Klima ermöglicht sportliche Aktivitäten das ganze Jahr hindurch.

Das Zentrum des Resorts wird ein Village mit einem professionellen Performance Training Center bilden. Das 38 000 sqft / 3500 qm grosse Trainingszentrum wird sowohl Fitnessräume mit allen erdenklichen Sportgeräten aufweisen, wie auch über ein Therapiezentrum, Innen -und Aussenschwimmbecken, Fahrrad-, Aerobic- und Yogastudio, Spa und Sauna verfügen.
Ausserdem werden ein Konferenz- und Business Center zur Verfügung stehen, ein Sportladen, Restaurant, Pub, Media Center und Gästehaus.
Weitere zehn Gästechalets und zehn Gästemaisonettes werden in der Nähe des Zentrum angelegt werden. Die Einrichtungen und Grundstücke werden mit Wanderwegen, Fahrradwegen und Strassen verbunden sein.

Da dieses Resort unter der Leitung eines Weltklassesportlers errichtet wird, dessen Erfahrungen in die Planungen mit einfliessen, wird dieses Resort und Performance Trainings Center ein Magnet für Profi- und Amateursportler, Fahhradfahrer sowie Sportbegeisterte aus der ganzen Welt werden.

Das Trainingszentrum bietet unter anderem die Möglichkeit durch Veränderung des Luftdruckes in unterschiedlichsten 'Höhenlagen' zu trainieren. (bis auf 12 000 feet / 3650 Meter)
Auf den Radwegen mit verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden werden Fahhradsportler wie auch Mountainbiker, in wunderschöner Landschaft mit herrlichem Fernblick, trainieren können. Zudem sind bekannte und beliebte Rad- und Mountainbikestrecken nicht weit von dieser bemerkenswerten Anlage entfernt, z.B.:
The Bakery Run, The Blue Ridge Parkway, Caesar's Head, Paris Mountain, the Carl Sandburg Metric Century, DuPont Forest State Park, Paris Mountain State Park, mehrere Pisgah National Forest Strecken, wie z.B. Bent Creek, Mills River und Davidson River.

Folgende sportliche Aktivitäten sind im oder in der Nähe des Resorts möglich und können durch professionelle Mitarbeiter des Resorts geplant und begleitet werden : Radfahren, Mountain Biking, Laufen, Wandern, Schwimmen, Triathlon, Klettern, Hiking, Angeln, Jagen, Reiten, Golfen, weiter entfernt auch Skilaufen und Snowboarding.

Es werden 79 Grundstücke, die ein oder zwei Acre / 4000 - 8000 Quadratmeter gross sind und an den Berghängen oder auf Höhen liegen, zum Verkauf angeboten.
Die Preise für ein Grundstück variieren, je nach Grösse und Lage zwischen $ 400 000 bis $ 1,5 Millionen / € 299 000 - € 1 121 340 Millionen *

Personen die ein Grundstück in diesem Resort besitzen, können nicht nur die oben genannten Anlagen nutzen, sondern erhalten mit dem Eigentumserwerb auch das Recht auf jährlich sechs Wochen Nutzung eines Chalets oder Maisonette Einheit, mit der Möglichkeit zusätzliche drei Wochen zu buchen.
Diese Chalets oder Maisonettes können z.B. zum Besuch des Resorts, vor oder während dem Bau des Hauses genutzt werden oder zur Unterbringung von Familie, Freunden und Gästen dienen.

Falls Sie nähere Information zu diesem einzigartigen Projekt haben möchten, senden Sie mir bitte ein Email

Sports Resort

Resort community aimed at cycling enthusiasts

Gracefully nestled near the Blue Ridge Mountains, a unique, one-of-a-kind resort community for families desiring a lifestyle of health and fitness is developing.

It will comprise three-hundred plus acres of graceful mountain wilderness with 97 one- to two-and-a-half-acre home-sites surrounding a village with a restaurant, a bike shop, a spa and a training facility.
The thirty-eight thousand square foot Performance Training Center will offer a spacious exercise arena with weight training, strength and conditioning equipment, a 25-meter indoor pool, a resort-style outdoor pool, an aerobic studio, a group cycling studio, a yoga studio, spa and dry sauna. The state-of-the-art fitness center will also provide highly sophisticated training equipment and cycling training rooms.

The Performance Training Center will be the "town square" of the village, which will include a conference center, business center, pro shop, cycling maintenance center, restaurant and pub, media center and the village's guest lodge. Ten guest chalets and ten guest maisonettes will be nestled along the mountainside to the north and east of the village. These three-bedroom chalet-style houses and one-bedroom town houses may be used by owners - or their guests - for at least six weeks a year.

The entire community will be connected via a system of wilderness trails, pathways, cycling loops and owner access roads. There will be trails for running and cycling, a 4.6-mile rubberized loop and another seven miles of single-track mountain-bike trails. Some trails will link with popular cycling routes in the area.

Secluded home-sites are planned along ridge tops, pinnacles and along springs and streams. Prices for home-sites will vary from four-hundred thousand dollars to one-point-five million dollars depending on location, elevation and mountain views.

if you would like to receive more information about this resort community,located just north of Greenville, S.C. please give us a call or send an email to Transdomo

© Flavia Westerwelle

Kid's Planet

Kids Planet is the place to go in Greer with your children! Nestled in Century Park in Greer it is a wonderful gathering area for all ages. There are two awesome play-structures, surrounded by wooden picnic areas, pavilions and a paved walking track. It was built through a huge outpouring of love by the community of Greer, for all children of the Upstate.

The design of each playground was inspired by dreams of children in the community and adults carried out these dreams with hammers, saws and drills.
On the second distinctive playground every apparatus is 100% accessible by children and adults in wheelchairs and allows children and adults of all abilities to play side-by-side. Kids Planet draws families and special needs groups from across the Upstate.
The playgrounds benefit every child in the community by giving them a free, safe haven to run, jump, laugh and play heartily.

The surrounding pavilions may be rented March - October in 2 hour time periods. Small shelters are $10.00 and Large shelters are $20.00. For further information call the Greer Recreation Department at 848-5384.

Kids Planet is located at Century Park, south of Downtown Greer.
3605 Brushy Creek Road, between Hwy. 14 and Buncombe Road, Greer

Kid's Planet

© Flavia Westerwelle

Grenville, South Carolina ( German )

Greenville liegt in der nord-westlichen Ecke von South Carolina, an der Interstate I-85 jeweils auf halben Weg nach Charlotte, NC und Atlanta, GA. Greenville ist eine einladende Stadt mit baumbestandenen Strassen, am Ufer und Wasserfall des Reedy Rivers.

Am Fusse der Blue Ridge Mountains und auf einer Höhe von ca. 300 Metern über Meeresspiegel gelegen, verfügt Greenville rund um's Jahr über ein angenehmes Klima, das einen atemberaubenden Wechsel der Jaherszeiten mit sich bringt.
Die niedrigen Temperaturen liegen durchschnittlich bei ca. 9 Grad Celsius; die Höchsttemperaturen durchschnittlich bei 26 Grad Celsius. Im Hochsommer klettern die Spitzentemperaturen durchaus auch über 30 Grad Celsius. Im Winter wird es nur selten einmal unter 0 Grad Celsius kalt.

Greenville's Verwandlung in eine kosmopolitische Stadt, ist auf den ersten Blick am auffälligsten in der Vielfalt und dem riesigen Angebot an Restaurants. Nur Downtown allein beherbergt über 80 Restaurants, wobei 30 dieser Lokale seit dem Jahr 2000 eröffnet wurden. Im nächsten Umfeld von Greenville gibt es zudem 600 Restaurants in verschiedenartigen Stilen, Geschmacksrichtungen und ethnischer Ausrichtung.

Downtown Greenville's Attraktionen sind unter anderem
das Bi-Lo Center, eine Sport- und Konzerthalle mit 16 000 Sitzplätzen
das Peace Center for the Performing Arts mit einer Konzerthalle für 2100 Besucher, mit Veranstaltungen von Broadwaystücken, Tanz, Ballet und Orchester; mehrere Theater; das Kunst Museum / Greenville County Museum of Art; Geschäfte, Restaurants, Galerien, Hotels, die Governors School of Art, der Zoo und der Reedy River Falls Park, mit einem Wasserfall und einer spektakulären Fussgängerbrücke.

Zusätzlich zu den mehr als 50 Golfplätze gibt es in Greenville's Umgebung grossartige Möglichkeiten zum Wandern, Campen, Angeln, Bootfahren, Jagen, Reiten und vielem mehr.
Greenville's hervoragende Bedingungen, Vorteile und Anreize für einen Firmenstandort, gut ausgebildete Arbeitskräfte, die Unterstützung unterschiedlichster Aktivitäten in Kultur, Erziehung, Ausbildung und Erholung fördern eine sehr hohe Lebensqualität.

Die erholsamen Blue Ridge Mountains, dramatische Wasserfälle und unzählige Seen und Flüsse sowie die Bergregion von North Carolina bieten wunderbare Möglichkeiten für alle erdenklichen Aktivitäten und Abenteuer.
In weniger als einer Stunde Autofahrt können Ausflugsziele wie z.B. Ashville, Chimney Rock Park, the Blue Ridge Parkway, Ceaser's Head, Jones Gap, Paris Mountain, Table Rock, Keowee, Jocasee, Whitewater Falls, Raven Cliff erreicht werden.

Die Küste South Carolina's mit ihren wunderschönen Stränden, historischen Orten, Plantagen des alten Südens, Myrtle Beach, Charleston, die vorgelagerten Inseln, Georgia's historischer Süden, die Metropole Atlanta oder Charlotte in North Carolina sind ebenso grossartige Ziele für einen Tagesausflug.

Zudem finden in Greenville rund ums Jahr unzählige Feste, Konzerte und Veranstaltungen für Erwachsene und Kinder statt.

Das Gebiet der Upstates ist, auf Grund der hohen Lebensqualtät, der Standort von mehr als 250 internationalen Firmen und hat den höchsten Grad an ausländischen Kapitalinvestitionen pro Kopf in der Nation.
Internationale Firmen aus 25 verschiedenen Nationen haben Niederlassungen hier, einschliesslich der Headquarter z.B. von BMW, Michelin, Hitachi und Bowater.

Greenville ist sowohl mit dem Auto, Zug oder Flugzeug leicht zu erreichen. Die Interstates I-85, I-385 and I-26 verbinden Greenville mit Atlanta, GA, Charlotte,NC, Charleston,SC und dem Hafen von Charleston. Der Flughafen Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport liegt ca. 16 Kilometer ausserhalb der Stadtmitte von Greenville und ist schnell erreichbar.

© Flavia Westerwelle

Greenville, South Carolina

Greenville is located in the northwestern corner of South Carolina, halfway on the I-85 between Charlotte, NC and Atlanta, GA

Greenville and the surrounding areas are commonly referred to as the Upstate or the Piedmont region.
Lying in the rolling foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, with the first ridge of the mountains approximately 20 miles to the northwest and on an elevation between 800 to 1,100 feet above sea level the climate for Greenville is pleasant year-round, with spectacular seasonal changes during the year.
The weather in Greenville is moderate with an average low temperature of 48 degrees F and an average high temperature of 78 degrees F, peaking sometimes in the 90's.

Greenville is an inviting upstate city on the banks and at the waterfalls of the Reedy River with beautiful tree-lined streets.
Greenville's emergence as a cosmopolitan city is reflected in the variety and cheer number of great places to eat. Downtown is home to more than 80 restaurants, 30 of which have opened since 2000 and there are more than 600 restaurants in the immediate area.
Downtown attractions are the Bi-Lo Center, a 16,000 seat sports and entertainment arena, The Peace Center for the Performing Arts with a 2,100 seat concert hall that features Broadway, dance and orchestral music, several theaters, an Art Museum, retail shops, galeries, hotels, the Governors School of Art and the Reedy River Falls Park with a 60-foot natural waterfall, walking trails, public garden and a spectacular pedestrian bridge.
There are more than 50 golf courses in the area. The Upcountry offers superb hiking, camping, boating, fishing, hunting, biking, horseback riding and more.
Because Greenville offers tremendous advantages in every aspect of today's businesses, Greenville is the number one choice for new, expanding, and relocating companies. In addition to an excellent business climate and a quality labor force, Greenville supports a broad range of cultural, educational and recreational activities which creates a rich quality of life.

The areas beautiful mountains, dramatic waterfalls, and numerous lakes and rivers and the North Carolina's mountain region serve as a wonderfull setting for all types of outdoor adventures. In less than an hour ride you can visit Ashville, Chimney Rock Park, the Blue Ridge Parkway, Ceaser's Head, Jones Gap, Paris Mountain, Table Rock, Keowee, Jocasee, Whitewater Falls, Raven Cliff and much more.

The South Carolina coast with sandy beaches, historic places, Plantations of the Old South, Myrtle Beach, Charleston, and the Lowcountry Islands, Georgia's historic South, Metro Atlanta, or Charlotte, NC are also great places to go for a day trip.

In addition there are numerous festivals, concerts, and different events in downtown Greenville throughout the year.

The Upstate is also home to more than 250 international firms and has the highest level of foreign capital investment per capita in the nation. There are international companies from more than 25 countries, including the headquarters of BMW, Michelin, Hitachi and Bowater in the greater Greenville area located.

Greenville can easely be reached by car, train or plane. Interstate I-85, I-385 and I-26 connects Greenville to Atlanta, Cahrlotte, Charleston and the Port of Charleston. Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport is located about 10 miles outside downtown Greenville.

© Flavia Westerwelle

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


In 1852, George Washington Green purchased 350 acres of land "on the waters of Richland Creek and Reedy River" north of Greenville for $1,500. There he built "Green Farm," a modest one-story dwelling that is now the rear wing of Cherrydale. On March 2, 1857, Green sold that land and an additional 100 acres to James Clement Furman, President of Furman University for $7,000. This $5,500 price difference suggests that Green constructed the house between 1852 and 1857.

Between 1857 and 1860, Furman and his wife, Mary Glen Davis Furman, remodeled Green Farm, adding four rooms and a new entrance with a front porch, four Greek-Revival-style columns, a three-bay portico and were calling the renovated house "Cherrydale."

The Cherrydale farm was three miles from downtown Greenville, where Furman University was then located, so James Clement Furman kept a separate residence near the university while school was in session. Furman retired as president in 1881 and lived his final years at Cherrydale writing and preaching. He died in an upstairs bedroom of the house in 1891.
Furman willed Cherrydale to his wife, Mary, who sold much of the surrounding land but continued to live there until her death in 1911.
Mrs. Furman's will transferred ownership of Cherrydale and the remaining property to her children. Her daughter, Mrs. Goldsmith lived there until the mid-1930s, when she moved to New York. In 1939 Mrs. Goldsmith sold Cherrydale, together with 55 acres of surrounding land.
The buyers, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Stone III, discovered the house to be in terrible condition, with no electricity, heat or water, a sagging front veranda, and an open porch along one side. They modernized and restored Cherrydale to be their home, and in 1976 it was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Stone family retained possession of Cherrydale and it was extensively and carefully renovated in 1997 as a corporate guesthouse.
When AIG Baker bought the plant site from Umbro International in 1998 with plans to construct Cherrydale Point shopping center, it also purchased the Cherrydale property. Together the Stone family and AIG Baker donated the house to Furman.

On March 7 and 8, 1999, Expert Movers of Virginia used their engineering skills to move the huge home three miles along Poinsett Highway to its present location at the highest point of the Furman campus. During homecoming that same year, the university dedicated Cherrydale as Furman's Alumni House.

Cherrydale is available for events and can be used by any group, however preference will be given to those affiliated with Furman. To inquire about reserving Cherrydale for a special occasion, please call the Furman Alumni Association at (864) 294-3464.

© Flavia Westerwelle

West End Historic Area and Westend Market in Greenville

The West End Historic Area and Westend Market is located at the South end of Main Street at Augusta Street in Greenville, just across the Reedy River from downtown. It has a long and interesting history. After earlier settlements in the 1830's the Furman University was established in 1852 on fifty acres of land in the West End, where it expanded and remained until 1958. This development and the arrival of the Greenville & Columbia Railroad in the West End in 1853 led to both residential and commercial development of the area.
In the 1890's this area was called Greenville's second downtown.
This district was full of life and was a place where the people of the city could get their daily necessities. Cotton and fertilizer warehouses sprang up as well as other commercial activities that supported the farmers from throughout the region. In 1893 the Chicora College, a Presbyterian school for women, was established on "McBee's Terrace" overlooking the Reedy River. The textile mills began to re-locate outside the city and the commercial activity in the area shifted from cotton to soft drink manufacturing and bottling. Chicora College moved to Columbia in 1915 and its buildings burned down in 1919.
The introduction of the automobile led to the construction of auto agencies and repair shops. During this period new offices and commercial buildings were constructed and the West End was still a very vital commercial and residential area. Typical of many inner city areas the West End began a period of decline in the mid 20th century, residential areas deteriorated, few new buildings were constructed and Furman University moved to the countryside. The area had fallen into disuse, with many vacant buildings and a growing problem with crime. The existing historic architecture of the West End reflects its commercial character from the 1870s to the 1930s and the majority of historic buildings date from the 1880s to the 1920s. With the donation of three historic buildings to the City of Greenville, a plan was developed to revitalize the area into a shopping, arts, and entertainment district. In 1994 the City of Greenville meticulously renovated the Alliance Cotton Warehouse into The WestEnd Market, at
1 Augusta Street. Today the building contains favorite shops and restaurants, like Mellow Mushroom, Smoke on the Water and several eclectic stores. As a result of the West End Market project, this area is once again a bustling commercial district, a shopping and tourist destination. The West End area is now enjoying a resurgence in popularity with an increase of new businesses, entertainment facilities, restaurants, residences and since 2006 the newly opened West End Field Ballpark.

© Flavia Westerwelle

The Duncan DuPre House

This Spartanburg landmark serves as an exceptional architectural piece of Spartanburgs past. It reflects fine design and
craftsmanship. It is sided with clapboard, cedar shingles, has six chimneys for twelve fireplaces, a slate roof and holds original fixtures. The DuPre House was built in 1885-86 by Bishop William Wallace Duncan. He and his wife Medora Rice Duncan had three childern. Their daughter Caroline Duncan DuPre and her husband Warren Dupre took ownership of the home after Mr. Duncan died in 1908. The house continued to be lived in and maintained by the family until the 1970's.
The house originally resided at 249 North Church Street in Spartanburg and was moved to the current location on Howard Street by the Renaissance Park developers instead of razing it. The Preservation Trust of Spartanburg, Inc is dedicated to restore it. The restoration will start in fall 2007. For more information go to The Preservation Trust

© Flavia Westerwelle

Information about the Upstates of South Carolina

With this blog we will provide comprehensive information about the Upstates of South Carolina for everyone who is living in the Upstates, moving into our area or would like to be updated about Greenville, Spartanburg, the Upstates and the locale real estate business.
We also publish a monthly newsletter which provides information about the communities, art, grand openings and real estate statistics, and the most comprehensive list of events in the Upstates.
Please find two samples of our newsletter on our website:

© Flavia Westerwelle